Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Revisited In Year BE2558 - LP Keow (PT Keow) Of Wat Hui Ngoh - Pattani - Thailand.

Here is another 'photos in vault' for revisited Wat Hui Ngoh in year BE2558.
Temple gate of Wat Hui Ngoh. During my visited for that time was fell on Loy Krathong festival. 
Temple Hall building with veneration Jow Ngow statue at front, Jow Ngow is a Thai literary character (Indigenous peoples or native peoples) who has black skin, frizzy hair and mastered with magic. Amulet with his image is believed to produce charm and bring owner Money and Charming. 
 Temple Ubosot of Wat Hui Ngoh.
 Temple amulets counter and photo taken inside the building.
 The display sacred Holy items and new released Garuda Bucha by LP Keow.
 The board of catalog.
 Shrine for 7 days Phra Buddha statues.
 Hall building with a lot of people and kuti building of Wat Hui Ngoh.
 Big Tent built for this year celebration Loy Krathong at Wat Hui Ngoh.
Temple surroundings view.
See more amulets from LP Keow - Wat Hui Ngoh at:
See more other Thai amulets at: