The great abbot is credited with the rediscovery and advancement of a lost form of meditation that expounds from the Vijja Dhamakaya teachings and traditions, which were lost sometime around five-hundred years after the passing of the Lord Buddha. As a result of his teachings, the rediscovered meditation method has spread throughout the globe in recent decades, with many thousands of followers throughout both the Eastern and Western world. The temple is especially famed for its production of the Wat Paknam amulet, which was originally produced by the famed Abbot in the year 1950 (2493 BE). Through the selling of the sacred amulet, the Abbot was able to fund and construct a school on the premises, which teaches meditation methods and the general teachings of the Dhamma.
The main hall of Wat Paknam, the roof design, and one of the older structure using teak wood as the central beam.
Photos taken in the year 2009, still under construction using teak wood as the central beam for the expansion works.
Ubosot of Wat Paknam was closed during my visited, photos from the top - the tile design, front view the Ubosot, the devotee paying the respect to the Buddha statues even the door was closed, inside the Ubosot were venerated the Buddha statues.
Side building for sorting the distribution of donated items from devotees.
The main hall of the temple houses a statue of Luang Phor Sod with devotees laminate the entire statue with religious gold foils.
Inside the main hall of the temple Wat Paknam was venerated a statue of Luang Phor Sod with devotees laminate the entire statue with religious gold foils. The statue of elephant was just in front the LP Sod statue.
One of the main attraction which first time visitors could miss out is the upstairs where a very high-quality Luang Phor Sod statue was venerated - the entrance to the upstairs is just located next to the gold-foils covered main statue at the ground floor.
The resting place of Luang Phor Sod.
At the side was venerated for the other gurus.

Phramonkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro)Luang Phor Sod of Wat Pak Nam, Bhasicharoen, Bangkok - Founder of Vijja Dhamakaya-Entry Path to Magga Phala. The Method of Samatha Vipasana Meditation at Wat Paknam.

See more LP Sod Wat Paknam amulets at:
See more Thai amulets at: