Due to my very strong affinity with the sacred Buddhist amulets from Thailand, i will bring you more articles about temples you always wish to visit, biography of the monks, forgetten legends and stories, fascinating rituals and all the other intriguing happenings of Thai amulet circle.
Luang Phor Chom ~ Wat Klang Khun Paen - was made a trip to Penang to meet the devotees there in year BE 2554. I grab this opportunity to met LP Chom to seeking his blessing. LP Chom of Wat Klang Khun Paen is the successor of the Great master - LP Sawai of Wat Preedaram. LP Chom is famous for his “Na Nah Thong”, bath Holy water and his Powerful amulets like Tiger Palakit, Phra Pidta, Khun Paen and many many more.LP Chom blessing the amulets during my visited.LP Chom is Abbot of Wat Klang Khun Paen, Ayutthaya province. LP Chom is a Top disciples of LP Sawai - Wat Preedaram, and successfully studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from his master. LP Chom has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. . See more amulets from LP Chom - Wat Klang Khun Paen at: http://thaiamulets-dhammapath.blogspot.com/search/label/Wat%20Klang%20Khun%20Paen . See more other Thai amulets at: http://www.thaiamulets-dhammapath.blogspot.com/
All the photos taken here are belongs to my friend. Thanks him for these sharing. We would like to present the new LP Tuad amulets released by Ajahn Deng in November BE 2554. Ajahn Deng is famous for his powerful LP Tuad amulets and Bullet Takruts, Thai's Army and Police in Southern Thailand like his amulets very much.
This is Ajahn Tim's 2497 Holy Powder of LP Tuad amulets. This Ajahn Tim's 2497 Holy powder is donated by Wat Saikow's Abbot to Ajahn Deng - Wat Rai.This LP Tuad Looplor Pim Pisek is Special added Ajahn Tim's 2497 Holy powder at base by Ajhan Deng himself.
During the ceremony, many devotees have came to Wat Rai to joined the ceremony.All the offering were well prepared likes fruits, flowers, eggs, teas and many many more. Ajahn Deng will invited his master LP Poom, LP Tuad, Lord Buddha and many other deities.All LP Tuad Looplor BE2554 were packed and covered. Ajahn Deng started with Sakyant first before blessed the new batch of LP Tuad Looplor BE2554.
Ajahn Deng started the ceremony by deep consecrated.The new updated of Phra Chinnaraj statue and Ubosot of Wat Rai which still under construction.