If you have the opportunity to come to Lampang province, I recommend that you come to Meditation Center Trailak Cemetery and pay respect to LP Kasem Khemako. Here is the cemetery place where LP Kasem Khemako resided and meditation are practiced in the past.

LP Kasem Khemako, his original name was Chao Kasem Na Lampang, born on November 28 in year 1912 (BE2455), on a Wednesday, year of the Rat zodiac. He was a descendant of Lampang’s King from Lanna Period. He became a novice monk in BE2468 (1925) after the death of his uncle, the abbot of Wat Bunyeun. In BE2470 (1927), he went to Wat Setuwan in Bangkok to study the Pali language. He then returned to Lampang to further his Pali studies in Wat Seelom and Wat Bunyawat. In BE2475 (1932), he passed his Pali examination with disctinction and came in first in class at Wat Setuwan. In BE2476 (1933), he was ordained as a monk at Wat Bunyeun at the age of 21. He met Kruba Gaen (in ChiangRai), a very famous monk in North Thailand of Tudong monk (forest monk) and was very good in Sammadhi (deep meditation). LP Kasem became a disciple of Kruba Gaen and went for Tudong with his teacher in forests and cemeteries.
The villagers invited LP Kasem to return to Lampang to be the new abbot of Wat Bunyeun. LP Kasem continue his learning in Dhamma and Sammadhi practise even when he was the abbot. The more he trained, the more realised that life is uncertain. His duties as the abbot kept him rather busy and in BE2492, he left Wat Bunyeun to stay at Susahn Sahlahwangthan (a cementry at another place in Lampang) for further practice meditation. Luang Phor Kasem was determined to reach the highest levels of Sammadhi at the cemetery. He would sit in front of burial grounds and watch the burning of corpses. Whether in the hot sun or pouring rain, he would sit quietly and watch the corpses being burned to ashes. LP Kasem once sat in Sammadhi for as long as 3 months, without any shelter under the hot sun and rain. Even when his robes were soaking wet in the cold rainy season, LP Kasem would just sit quietly in meditation without any complaints and never asking for anything. He was able to free himself from all attachments in pursuit of the Dhamma and Sammadhi. He once went without food for 49 days. Since BE2514 (1971), LP Kasem only bathed once a year but there was never any stench or foul odour from his body even when he sweated heavily under the hot sun and never suffered a single mosquito bite in the cemetery. LP Kasem carried nothing with him. His only possession was an alm bowl, his robe which he was wearing and a piece of human bone for his Sammadhi practice. He did not even have any footwear. He was then resided and practiced meditation at Trailak Cemetery.
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej also had great respect and faith in the fact that he was a monk who practiced good conduct and righteousness. Has traveled to pay respects to "LP Kasem" many times. And he went to pay respects for the last time on March 15, 1993. "Luang Por Kasem" passed away at the ICU room, Lampang Hospital, Lampang province, on January 15, 1996 (BE2539) at 7:40 pm, which was Monday, year of the Pig zodiac at the age of 84.
The temple main signboard written - Luang Pho Kasem Meditation Center Trailak Cemetery, Lampang province. This temple Wat Susahn Trailak was built over the original cemetery. It is a place where Luang Phor Kasem Khemako's resided and meditation are practiced. The area has been renovated and changed a lot from the original site.

The standing statue of LP Kasem Khemako. It is a miracle, if we look at the manner in which he practices prayer in various places. It seems that he tortured himself more than we would have thought of as practicing Dhamma. Because he usually lives in a cemetery. Sitting and meditating in front of the cremated remains of some ghosts. Sitting and praying in the hot sun. Sitting and praying during the brutally cold nights. Sitting and praying in the pouring rain. It is a practice of teachers that really make us feel, see and consider accordingly. Currently, this area has been developed with vast parking lot, peace surrounding and clean restrooms. A large standing statue of Luang Phor Kasem in front the Meditation Center Trailak Cemetery. Makes it clearly visible landmarks from far and for devotees pay respect to LP Kasem Khemako.

When reaching the area of Meditation Center Trailak Cemetery, within the area there is a Pavilion in the style of a modern Thai style building. Venerated a wax statue of Luang Phor Kasem Khemako sitting posture with life-size. Auspicious for devotees to pay respect and pay homage.Photo taken inside the pavilion where the undecayed body of LP Kasem Khemako is kept. He is a Vipassana meditation monk who is strict in his practice. And this meditation center was established for us to remember the principles that he upheld.Close view and the undecayed body of LP Kasem Khemako is kept in a glass coffin.Selfie time after pay homage to the body that does not decay, LP Kasem Khemako.Close view for the Wax statue and Bucha statue of LP Kasem Khemako.The cafe shop at Meditation Center Trailak cemetery.Many of LP Kasem photos and amulets counter.The modern and clean washroom, Trailak building hall and Pavilion in Meditation Center Trailak Cemetery.There are horse carriage available as well for tourist-oriented carriage rides. Children are happy in the Horse Carriage Ride for the first time. Later they also offered the pasture grasses to the horse.Wiharn Phra Phut with venerated Phra Buddha statue inside this wiharn, next to the Giant statue Tao Wessuwan.The Giant Tao Wessuwan statue in Wat Susahn Trailak cemetery.
.See amulets LP Kasem from Wat Susahn Trailak at:
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